Kewaigue School

Enjoying learning and achieving, together

We have a creative Curriculum at Kewaigue School providing a balanced approach to teacher-directed and child-initiated learning in response to each child’s learning styles and interests. This approach is imaginative, flexible and motivating, encouraging risk-taking with the freedom to fail and the confidence to try again.

Our curriculum builds on pupils’ existing knowledge, skills, dispositions and attitudes to provide opportunities to make learning meaningful, with many first hand experiences within and beyond the classroom.

The curriculum at Key Stages One and Two consists of 10 subjects plus PSHE & Religious Education.








Design and Technology

Physical Education

Art and Design


PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) education is a crucial part of a child’s education. It gives children access to critical information about themselves and the many facets of the diverse world around them. At Kewaigue School we provide a specifically tailored curriculum that is both broad and balanced, and meets the unique context of our school.

PSHE education will be provided to all children within our school and taught by class teachers in Years 1-6. Some PSHE topics are taught within other subjects. The PSHE curriculum is split into key themes of Health and Wellbeing , Relationships and Living in the Wider World .

All pupils also take part in Religious Education. (Parents are at liberty to withdraw their children from all or part of the religious education and collective worship provided.)

Pupils in years 4, 5 and 6 have the option to study Manx.

Desired outcomes of curriculum provision

It is intended that as a result of experiencing the curriculum and the way it is delivered, children will develop as individuals with:


positive self esteem;

an ability to take responsibility for own actions;

skilled in managing own emotions and feelings;

appropriate curriculum skills;

good concentration and focus

Relationships which are positive

an ability to work as a team member;

an ability to make and sustain friendships;

understanding and respect for others;

an acceptance of boundaries;

empathy/understanding the role of others.


a recognition of how to get help;

the capability to apply reason;

the ability to question;

the ability to use initiative;

achieving self motivation


the ability to solve problems;

the capacity to persevere;

an acceptance of constructive criticism;

adaptability and flexibility.

Remembering skills

the ability to recall;

the confidence in the use of transfer skills;

the ability to interpret;

the ability to learn from experience.


a sense of pride;

the ability to plan;

the capacity to monitor, revise and adapt;

an appreciation of own learning process;

skills in analysis, reasoning, negotiation, mediation and organisation.

These outcomes are commonly referred to as the 6 Rs.

Throughout the school Curriculum planning involves all members of staff to ensure there is progression and continuity in learning and to ensure that a broad and balanced curriculum is provided for all children.

Children learn best when they are motivated and their individual learning needs are met. We therefore aim to personalise the curriculum by catering for children’s preferred learning styles, using a range of teaching approaches, planning differentiated work and questions and using assessment for learning.

Throughout your child’s education at Kewaigue School judgements will be made as to how best we can meet your child’s needs. We will regularly keep you informed of your child’s progress and on occasions may consult you about an approach we may wish to follow.

A great deal of valuable educational work is carried out off the school premises. We are very keen to offer the children a wide and varied choice of visits on the island. These visits play a large part in ensuring that the curriculum we offer is stimulating, motivating and exciting for the children.

We value and actively encourage parents to take an active interest in their child’s learning to maximise the level of progress which can be achieved. Parents can do this by supporting their child with curriculum work at home, and supporting our agreed school values and behaviour policy.

If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s education do not wait for a parents’ evening or open day. Please contact us immediately.

Drug Education

All pupils will receive guidance on drugs and alcohol as part of the PSHE and science curriculum. Lessons will be delivered as appropriate to the age and phase of the pupils and will be differentiated according to the needs of the children. Where appropriate, visitors and outside speakers may join us to lead classes on drug education.

What is taught?

We reflect the requirements and guidance in the school’s science curriculum, the non-statutory framework for PSHE and citizenship and the content suggested in the school’s PSHE scheme of work.

Key Stage1 focuses on what are safe and unsafe substances, what medicines are, why people take them and how to take them safely, being ill and getting better and what to do if someone persuades you to take something dangerous

Key Stage 2 focuses on what a drug is, the effects and risks of drugs including tobacco and alcohol, managing peer influences and resisting pressure to take risks and be able to make safe decisions.

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General Information

Please click the links on the left hand side for further information about our school. THE SCHOOL AND IT'S CATCHMENT AREA Kewaigue School was opened on 10th October 1892 after permission was granted to draw water from the well across the lane at the back…

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