Please click the links on the left hand side for further information about our school.
Kewaigue School was opened on 10th October 1892 after permission was granted to draw water from the well across the lane at the back of the school.
In the 130 years it has served the community, only 11 headteachers have had the privilege of leading the school.
1892 Mr Barton Cooper
1912 Mr W.H. Lawton
1930 Mr G.N. Lawton Sayle
1931 Mr B. Senior
1948 Miss Brew
1958 Mr Lewin
1974 Mr G. Kinrade
1990 Mr D. Brown
1992 Mr M. Stevens
2010 Mrs T. Willoughby
2014 Mr A.P. Shorthouse
The original part of the school contains the kitchen, toilets, hall, library and the office. An extension was opened in September 1995. It contains three classrooms, a shared area, staffroom and entrance hall. There are also two mobile classrooms.
In September 2000, a new classroom and a multi-purpose room were completed in the basement.
In 2012 a further extension was opened, which provides more children's toilet facilities, storage and office space and also a library.
In short, the school has up to date facilities, which enable the staff to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to all our pupils, in pleasant, modern, purpose built surroundings.
The school has large grassed and hard play areas including a spacious decking area. In 2020 an astro pitch was installed. We have constructed an outdoor nature study area, and installed some benches around the school grounds so the children can enjoy the surrounding open countryside.
The school currently caters for approximately 100 children of 4 - 11 year olds split into five classes.
The school has an extensive catchment area. We draw from as far south as Santon, Mount Murray and Port Soderick, west to the Cooil and north east to the boundaries of Douglas and Douglas Head.
Parents from outside the designated catchment area who wish their child to attend Kewaigue School must contact the Department of Education Sport and Culture and request an out of catchment admission.
In primary education there are seven recognised age groups.
Foundation Stage - F.S. Foundation Stage 4 – 5 year olds
Key Stage One
Year One - 5 – 6 year olds
Year Two - 6 – 7 year olds
Key Stage Two
Year Three - 7 – 8 year olds
Year Four - 8 – 9 year olds
Year Five - 9 – 10 year olds
Year Six - 10 – 11 year olds
We want parents and children to feel part of our school community. Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time to discuss the welfare or progress of their child. If parents wish to see the teacher or Headteacher for a longer discussion, a prior telephone call would be appreciated to make arrangements for this at a mutually convenient time.
Parents helping in school
We very much welcome the help that adults feel able to offer us in school. We are grateful for the time and support which adults are able to give us, as it provides different opportunity and benefits for pupils.
Additional adults in school improve the learning environment through increased pupil : adult ratio. Children are able to receive extra one to one help in specific areas and groups of children can have an extra adult to supervise a task. This provides the children with improved language and communication skills, which are so important in all activities. We hope that the process is not entirely one way, and that by being in school parents can gain a greater insight into how the school operates and how children learn. It gives parents the opportunity to see why schools do things the way they do and the experience of being an adult in school may be very different from their own experience as a pupil.
We hope that your child's time at the school is happy and productive. We are always happy to discuss matters with parents and carers to ensure every child achieves his or her full potential. If, at any time, you have any concerns about your child at school, then please do not hesitate to contact the school to arrange to meet with the relevant staff member. We would ask that parents and carers please support the school in its constant drive to raise standards by discussing any concerns or issues with us, rather than on social media sites, which could be potentially damaging for the school and its pupils. We would also encourage parents and carers to monitor their children’s use of social networking sites encouraging them to be respectful in this arena.
In the interests of everyone’s safety and security, external doors must be kept locked around school during the day. We do however realise the importance of parents being able to speak with their child’s class teacher, particularly in a morning. So when the need arises, parents should come to the main office where teachers can be contacted on their behalf. If a matter cannot be resolved before 8.55am, parents will be asked to make an appointment to see a member of staff.
On wet days, children should come inside school (from 8.40am) via the side entrance that leads to the main corridor and go straight to the assembly hall.
All external doors are fitted with devices to enable immediate exit at all times in case of emergency. Each class teacher is responsible for securing the external door/s in his/her classroom.
There is CCTV coverage around the school premises. CCTV footage is recorded and retained for a set period of time.
Entry Procedures for Visitors
Visitors are anyone who enters the school premises with the exception of children on roll at the school, staff deployed at Kewaigue and authorised supply staff.
All visitors must:
1. Enter by the main door, at the front of the school building. This door displays a notice directing visitors to the school office
2. Sign the Visitors Book
3. Proceed directly to the school office.
4. Whilst on school premises –
- wear a Visitors Badge which has been allocated by a member of staff (regular visitors have their own visitors badge)
- be accompanied by a member of the staff unless specifically authorised to proceed unaccompanied
- sign the Visitors Book immediately before leaving the school premises.
Our logo sweatshirts, cardigans, polo shirts and PE T-shirts are available from the school office.
The following school uniform is prescribed because we believe:-
It adds to the identity of the school, which helps to develop a sense of belonging.
Children look smart and this encourages pride.
It reduces discrimination and arguments at home
GIRLS: A choice of
Grey trousers (not jogging or track suit bottoms)
Grey skirts
Grey pinafore dresses
White / grey / black / maroon socks or tights
White polo shirt or blouse
Maroon cardigan or sweatshirt
In summer red gingham or striped dresses
Grey trousers (not jogging or track suit bottoms)
White shirt or polo shirt
Grey socks
Maroon sweatshirt
Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on the day that they do PE. Your child will need to wear the following on their PE day.
* Black Shorts, black leggings (no visible logos) or school tracksuit bottoms, Kewaigue logo t-shirt, pumps, Kewaigue school tracksuit hoody
Jewellery, make up (e.g. nail varnish, lip stick), artificially coloured hair, logos shaven into hair, tattoos, high heels or nose piercing are not part of school uniform and therefore conflict with our school policy. Earrings are not permitted, except for children with pierced ears, who may wear studs on those days when they do not have swimming or P.E. On swimming and P.E. days studs should not be worn. The only exception to this rule is if a child’s ears have very recently been pierced then, on swimming and P.E. days, they may wear their studs provided they have been covered with tape (by a parent) before coming to school. Once the lesson is over the child can remove the tape. Staff cannot take responsibility for removing or replacing studs or for their loss.
Children may wear a watch when they are able to tell the time but responsibility for its safe keeping belongs to them, and the school will not be held responsible for any losses. Watches must be removed for P.E. and games lessons
Your child will be allocated a house team when they join Kewiague.
They are;
We operate a house points system for achievement in learning. If a pupil achieves 5 or more housepoints in a week they receive a certificate during our weekly whole school 'Success' assemblies. House points that are awarded for their achievement in learning are never taken off pupils.
Every house point each pupil earns goes towards their house team. At the end of each half-term, the house team cup is awarded to the house team with the most points.
Children are to be discouraged from bringing valuables, toys or precious belongings to school. We know from experience that loss or damage can be very upsetting for all concerned. Parents are advised that if children bring valuable property to school, neither the Department of Education and Children nor the teachers will be responsible for any loss or damage.
Lost Property will be gathered and left in the front porch for a week – it will then be stored in the Caretaker's room until the end of term. Any unnamed lost property, which has not been claimed will be disposed off at the end of each term.
Praise, both informal and formal to individuals and groups, is expected to be common place for all children at Kewaigue. If we 'catch' pupils behaving well and say precisely what pupils are getting right, children are then able to recognise, believe, and internalise positive messages about themselves and their peers. Rewards that recognise pupils' positive behaviour and achievement are also in place to help them all realise that achievement and good behaviour is valued.
Examples of rewards.
ο Reward stickers
ο Stamps in books
ο Whole class rewards e.g. additional playtime
ο Headteacher's award for a class which consistently uphold the school values
ο School values achievement bands
School meals are provided at a cost £2.35 per day /£11.75 per week. This can be paid each Monday in advance. However, many parents find it more convenient to pay for meals half termly. Cheques should be made payable to Isle of Man Government and credit is allowed for all uneaten meals where this is due to absence.
Menus are provided each term and we strongly recommend these meals as they not only provide a good balanced meal but also provide an opportunity to develop good social skills and manners.
Packed Lunches
These can be brought to school, preferably in a purpose made container, clearly marked with the child’s full name.
However, packed lunches must not include fizzy drinks, glass bottles or hot drinks or sweets of any kind.
This policy and set of procedures is aimed at supporting those staff and volunteers at our school as they act in the best interests of a child and within their scope of capability.
DESC Allergy and anaphylaxis policy
A choice of milk or natural orange juice is available at a cost 19 pence per day payable one term in advance. The school will inform you of the amount to be paid towards the end of the preceding term. Changing from milk to orange (or visa versa) can only be done at the start of a new half term. No refunds are given for days absence.
Cold drinking water is available at all times.
In the Foundation Stage Class the children have a daily fruit snack provided by school. In order to cover the cost of this there will be a termly charge, which will be set in September. This is to be paid via Parent Pay.
In the event of absence from school, parents should contact the school office as soon as possible. It is very important for the school to be notified by telephone if a child is to be absent from school at short notice. Details of the reason for absence and an approximate estimation of how long the absence is likely to last will be asked. If you are aware in advance that your child is going to be absent, please notify in writing.
If your child has been ill, it is important that you allow a period of time to elapse after the sickness has finished before sending him back to school. Such action will help to prevent the infection spreading unnecessarily to others in the school.
At Kewaigue School we believe that good attendance and punctuality is key to establishing positive life habits and helping every child to thrive. There are very clear links between attendance rates and pupil achievement and therefore, holidays in term time are not usually authorised. In exceptional circumstances parents can write to the Headteacher, stating clearly why any request for holiday time is deemed necessary.
Further information can be found in the Department of Education and Children’s ‘Attendance of Pupils: Legislation, Policy and Procedures’- a full version of this Policy is available at
All absences, both authorised and unauthorised will be recorded and reported to parents in July of each year.
The only medications we can accept in school are those required by children who may suffer from asthma or epilepsy – long term medication. Where this is required, parents are invited to discuss the administration of the medicine with the class teacher and complete the necessary paper work. The school will make arrangements to help children with medical needs, in relation to both short and long-term illness, but arrangements between the school and parents will need to be agreed in advance. Parents need to seek the consent from the Headteacher at the school if their child needs medication, whether prescribed or non-prescribed.
Under no circumstances should these be sent in to school with a child to administer for themselves.
If a child is ill enough to warrant a course of antibiotics or any similar sort of medicine, he /she should not really be at school. However, if your child has sufficiently recovered to attend school but still needs to finish the last one or two doses of medicine then you are welcome to come to school to give the dose to your child yourself.
Please remember the proper place for a sick child is at home. If children are unwell they should not be sent to school and a couple of days at home often aids a speedy recovery.
In the case of vomiting or diarrhoea a child should not return to school until 48 hours after symptoms have ceased, in order to prevent to spread of infection to other children and to staff.
Children should arrive at school approximately 10 minutes before the morning school session begins.
There will be a member of staff on duty each morning from 8.50 a.m.
Teachers are not responsible for children who are left on the school premises before 8.50 a.m.
On wet days the doors are open at 8.40 a.m. and children should make their way quietly to the Hall where they will be supervised by a staff member.
School starts at 9.00 a.m.
Morning Break 10.30 a.m. to 10.45 a.m.
Lunch 12.00 to 1.15 p.m.
Afternoon Break 2.30 p.m. to 2.45 p.m.
School Finishes at 3.30 p.m. for Foundation Stage and Key Stage One pupils (without older siblings)
School finishes at 3.45 p.m. for Key Stage Two children.
Collecting pupils
All parents are asked to inform the school if there are particular arrangements that teachers should be aware of in relation to how pupils make their way home at the end of the school day. In the interests of safety, we would ask that parents inform the school immediately if any changes to these arrangements are made (e.g. if a different person has been arranged to collect you child, or your child is allowed to go home alone rather than be collected)
Please make every effort to collect your child on time as lateness often causes the child to be upset and the teachers to be inconvenienced.
Late Arrivals
The late arrival of children to school causes unnecessary disruption to the classes and creates difficulties with regard to registration, dinner and milk numbers, etc. School starts at 9.00am and children should be in the playground a few minutes before that time. Please note that children arriving late will be given a “late mark” and parents will be informed if the frequency of “late marks” is too high. Children arriving after the bell has gone should report their arrival to the secretary in the school office and parents should sign the late book. This ensures we have an agreed record of the late arrival and ensures the school register is accurate and consistent. Late arrivals for medical appointments are perfectly understandable, but it would help if you could let the school know in advance if at all possible.
The progress and performance of every child will be regularly assessed throughout his/her school career. The main purpose of assessment is to ensure children's needs are being met in order to be able to advise parents of their children's progress and to inform other teachers receiving children as to their progress. Assessment information informs teachers planning in the class room. Informal assessment occurs on a daily basis. Teachers observe children working; they talk to children and they mark their work. This continual assessment allows teachers to identify strengths and weaknesses and thereby decide how to develop the strengths and provide for the weaknesses. Often teachers will keep personal notes about each child as an aide-memoire but such notes do not form part of our official record keeping system.
Formal assessment is also ongoing and involves testing and teacher assessment. As with informal assesment the aim is to establish a clear picture of what programmes of work we need to prepare and provide for each child.
Foundation Stage
It is the Department of Education Sport and Culture's policy that children in the Foundation Stage are assessed continuously throughout the year and each child’s development is recorded against 13 assessment scales, spread across the six areas of Foundation Stage Curriculum. Part of this observation and assessment process notes the behaviours that children demonstrate consistently and independently in a range of different situations.
Key Stage One and Key Stage Two
It is the Department of Education Sport and CUlture's policy that SATS tests will not be provided for children on the Isle of Man. Instead greater weight is given to the assessments teachers make and materials and facilities have been put in place to facilitate this. Teachers assessments are moderated internally (in school - between classes) and externally by a group of other teachers contracted to the DESC.
At Kewaigue School we adopt both formal and informal methods of assessment.