Kewaigue School

Enjoying learning and achieving, together

Our school is special

Kewaigue school is special. It is a happy and fun school where respect is very important. It is a school where we celebrate that we are all different. We want everyone to behave in a friendly, truthful, polite and respectful manner with no bullying. Everyone in school is equal and has the right to express an opinion in a secure and safe environment.


Bullying behaviour is directly contrary to the safe, caring and supportive environment, high standards of behaviour and shared values that we facilitate and expect at Kewaigue School.

We have a legal duty to have an anti-bullying policy. We also have a responsibility to respond promptly and effectively to issues of bullying.

Our aim, therefore, is to ensure bullying is prevented and where it does happen, it is dealt with swiftly and effectively.


What is bullying?

There are many definitions, but most have four things in common:

· It is deliberately hurtful or harmful behaviour

· It is repeated often over a period of time

· It is difficult for those being bullied to prevent or put a stop to it

· It causes feelings of distress, fear, loneliness and lack of confidence in those who are at the receiving end.

Bullying can take many forms but the five main types are:

· Physical (hitting, kicking, pushing, taking belongings)

· Verbal (name calling, insults (including those of a racist, sexual or homophobic nature) taunting, mocking, making offensive personal comments; threatening, intimidating; creating situations in which someone is humiliated, or made to look ridiculous, or gets into trouble;

· Non-verbal, involving body language, gesture and facial expression. Non-verbal behaviours can be just as hurtful and intimidating as those which involve abusive language.

· Indirect (emotional, spreading nasty stories about someone, excluding someone from a social group, playing tricks and pranks)

· Cyberbullying (when one person or a group of people aim to threaten, tease or embarrass someone else by using a mobile phone, the internet or other technologies)

We are agreed that bullying behaviour in any form will not be tolerated if, when or where it affects children who come to our school.

We expect all children to report bullying behaviour and not take on the role of a follower and/or bystander to this behaviour.

We expect all parents to work in partnership with the Headteacher and other staff members (where appropriate) when this type of behaviour is reported and concerns their child in any way. If parents feel their child may be a victim of bullying behaviour, inform school immediately. A complaint will be taken seriously and appropriate action will follow.

We have an anti-bullying code and clear procedures are in place if a “bullying” incident is reported.


The whole school community will be made aware of our policy of behaviour and anti-bullying through school council meetings, assemblies, circle time, PSHCE sessions and access to it given through the school website and prospectus.


To ensure our policy is fully integrated into the life of the school, formal and informal opportunities will be planned and implemented to ensure everyone continues to abide by the procedures set out in this document. These may include the following;


PSHCE lessons

Circle time

Displays and posters

Playground games led by children and staff

Home-school diaries

School website and prospectus



All staff will be kept abreast of current thinking with regard to anti­bullying and if required, support will be given to implement this policy. Opportunities for staff to receive training on matters relating to managing behaviour and positive handing will be given through courses available through the CPD programme and school based INSET.


Support for the victim is essential both immediately following the incident and during an agreed period of review. Peer support, staff support, parental support and outside agency support may all be essential to ensure that the victim does not suffer any long term damage. After a period of time staff will meet with the victim to reassess the situation and the relationship between those involved.


It is recognized that support must be given to the perpetrator. Disciplinary procedures against the perpetrator(s) are intended to change or modify behaviour rather than label anyone as a bully. Such procedures may include:

· Positive behaviour strategies

· Withdrawal of activities

· The establishment of mentoring or buddying system

· Discussion about the effects of bullying

· Peer mediation

· Involvement of other agencies and services such as an Educational Psychologist, or the Behaviour Support Team.


Parents and carers will be expected to take responsibility for the behaviour of their child both inside and outside school. They will be encouraged to work in partnership with the school to assist in maintaining high standards of behaviour.

The school will ensure that parents/carers are informed promptly of concerns regarding their child and are given opportunity to be involved in supporting school actions and responding to the needs of their child.

Anti-Bullying Code

· No-one has the right to make you feel upset.

· In the playground make sure that you can always be seen by an adult.

· If you think someone is coming to hurt you, walk away or run away.

· If someone hits you do not hit back. This is what the person wants you to do so that they have an excuse to hit you again. Tell a teacher, or any adult in the school. You must also tell your parent.

· If someone threatens you over and over again, that is bullying. Tell a teacher, or any adult in the school. You must also tell your parent.

· If someone tries to force you to give them money, food or something that belongs to you, that is bullying. Never give anyone anything that you don’t want them to have. Tell your teacher, or any adult in the school. You must also tell your parent.



Sometimes adults think you are just “fussing” but the only way a bully will stop is if you tell an adult. So keep on telling them until they listen and do something about it.


The person being bullied may be too frightened to do anything about it.

YOU CAN HELP by telling a teacher, or any adult in the school.

What Do You Do If You Know Someone Is Being Bullied?

a) Take action! Watching and doing nothing looks as if you are on the side of the bully. It makes the victim feel more unhappy and on their own.

b) If you feel you cannot get involved, tell an adult immediately. Teachers will deal with the bully without getting you into trouble.

c) Do not be, or pretend to be, friends with a bully.

School Behaviour Policy