Kewaigue School

Enjoying learning and achieving, together

Girl's football festival
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A team from Kewaigue took part in the recent football festival at the Bowl. The children played extremely well, winning all but one of their matches!

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Hospice IOM
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The school council toured the Hospice and had a meeting in their board room on Tuesday. Kewaigue have pledged £1000 towards the work that the Hospice does and will be working hard to fund raise in the coming months. Click here for more photos

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Tag Rugby
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Teams from Year 2 and 3 took part in the island Tag rugby festival on Monday. They won 11 out of 12 matches!

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Harvest Festival
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The children and parents celebrated Harvest at Kirk Braddan last week. To see more photographs of the event click here

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Food Bank Donation
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Thanks to the generosity of Kewaigue School parents, school council representatives donated a huge quantity of food to the Isle of Man Food Bank today.

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Harvest Celebration
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Kewaigue will be holding a Harvest celebration at Kirk Braddan on Thursday afternoon. Parents have been invited to join us as the children share poetry, song and prayer to mark this festival of thanks. Thank you to all the parents who have very generously donated food for the local food bank.

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Go Green for Dyslexia Day
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We celebrated Go Green for Dyslexia day on Monday 1st October. For a donation of £1 towards the Manx Dyslexia Association, who have very kindly donated books to the school and supported staff, children came to school in non-uniform. Altogether we raised £105.

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